Planet Revolution

In Friuli Venezia Giulia, only a few kilometres apart, two important artistic organisations coexist, The VIGNE MUSEUM Cultural Association and RAVE East Village Artist Residency. Both, united by a similar and complementary vision, explore the emergencies of our time through contemporary art and culture, from the environmental situation to the relationship between species, imagining biocentrism as a cultural, social and economic attitude.
RAVE and the Vigne Museum collaborated for the first time in carrying out The Age of Remedy programme of meetings, debates and exhibitions, curated by Isabella and Tiziana Pers (founders of RAVE), Elda Felluga (President of the Vigne Museum Cultural Association) and Giovanna Felluga (artistic director of the Vigne Museum).

From 8 until 16 June 2019, at their respective bases of Borgo di Soleschiano and Rosazzo, in the province of Udine, representatives of the world of art, science and philosophy took turns to relate, based on their own research and experiences, how their respective areas of expertise are evolving as a result of the evolution of our planet.

The central theme was climate change.

Saturday 15 the spotlight was on the Vigne Museum with the public meeting, organised by the Cultural Association of the same name, part of the cycle Future Landscapes at the Vigne Museum, entitled Planet Revolution, hosted in the Abbazia di Rosazzo a short walk from Yona Friedman’s structure created with Jean Baptiste Decavèle.

Moderated by Patrizia Catalano (journalist and curator) the participants were Giovanni Delù (artistic gardener and horticulturist at the Garden of Versailles), Pietro Gaglianò (art critic and curator), Stefano Mancuso (plant neurobiologist), Daniele Puppi (artist), Marisa Sestito (vice president Giant Trees Foundation, English scholar) and Giuseppe Stampone (artist).

The event enjoyed the patronage of the No Man's Land Foundation of which Yona Friedman was honorary President. Currently the position is covered by the daughter Marianne Friedman Polonsky.

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TITLE Planet Revolution – First meeting of the Future Landscapes cycle at Vigne Museum
TYPE Public Meeting
PARTICIPANTS Giovanni Delù, Pietro Gaglianò, Daniele Puppi, Marisa Sestito, Giuseppe Stampone, Elda Felluga
MODERATOR Patrizia Catalano
DATE 15 June 2019
VENUE Abbazia di Rosazzo and Vigne Museum
PARTNERS RAVE East Village Artistst Residency, Livio Felluga, No Man’s Land Foundation