Crossing Borders

Cathy Krier

In July 2019 the Vigne Museum was enlivened by a musical performance from the Luxembourg pianist Cathy Krier entitled Crossing Borders.

Inserted in the series of events The Contemporaneo at the Vigne Museum, the concert, realized in collaboration with SimulArte, gave the public a unique experience and suggestive in the frame of the Abbey of Rosazzo.

After starting to play the piano at an early age at the Luxembourg Conservatory, Cathy Krier embarked on an international career, performing mainly in Europe, the United States and China. For the Vigne Musuem Ms Krier performed music by Denis Schuler, Claude Debussy, Evangelia Rigaki and György Ligeti.

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TITLE Crossing Borders
TYPE Musical performance
ARTIST Cathy Krier
DATE 12 July 2019
VENUE Abbazia di Rosazzo and Vigne Museum
PARTNERS Livio Felluga, SimulArte
COVER PHOTO Delphine Jouandeau