Air Landscapes

On the occasion of the exhibition documenting the meeting between the photographer Luigi Ghirri and the duo Friedman/Decavèle, the Vigne Musem was chosen to act as a cohesive element between the participants, because of the theme of Landscape, a shared theme in the work of all three.

Hence the idea of combining Luigi Ghirri's shots with Vigne Musuem, an open-air landscape museum, constructed in the Livio Felluga vineyards by the visionary genius of Friedman / Decavèle. The meeting can be witnessed in the documentary Livio Felluga 100 (2014), the work of the photo-journalist and documentary maker Luigi Vitale, which recounts the original rationale behind the Vigne Museum and follows the various stages of construction.

A project curated by Chiara Bertola and Giuliano Sergio in collaboration with Livio Felluga and RAM radioartemobile.

Photo credits Andrea Sarti, Querini Stampalia Onlus foundation, Venice

TITLE Air Landscapes
TYPE Participation in a cultural event
PARTICIPANTS Yona Friedman, Jean-Baptiste Decavèle, Luigi Vitale
DATE 20 November 2015
VENUE Querini Stampalia Foundation (Venice)
PARTNERS Livio Felluga, RAM radioartemobile, Luigi Ghirri Collection and the Querini Stampalia Foundation